The History of the Little Florilège
The local shop... on the internet
The story begins in 2012 when we left Paris, our creative jobs and our friends, to settle in Bordeaux, in the South-West, and start a family far from the Parisian hustle and bustle.
Our professional experience, our shared tastes for elegant objects and beautiful interiors, as well as our desire to work for ourselves, naturally led us to imagine a project bringing together everything we loved, designed 100% by four hands, faithful to our vision.
We have created a welcoming universe, in accordance with our tastes, offering a refined selection of decorative objects chosen not for their commercial potential, but simply because they were beautiful in our eyes.
A place where you can walk, seek inspiration, or wander, like in a "neighborhood decoration boutique", but on the internet...
Decorators above all
To highlight this selection and stand out from the usual online catalogs, we have designed a tailor-made website, where every detail and every interaction contributes to the experience we wish to offer.
Each product is tested and photographed by us in our own universe, thus guaranteeing an online store with a strong moral commitment to our customers.
A great team of... 3 people!
Florence imagines and directs the visual line of the catalog, sourcing unique products, finding designers and creating harmonious associations.
Richard manages all the graphic, technical and customer relations aspects: photographs, retouching, site design and logistics. (Yes, you have to be creative to pack a shelf with porcelain bowls!)
The company was founded in late 2013 and the online store opened in the first months of 2014.
At the time of writing, our bet seems to have been successful for several years:
We left Bordeaux in 2018 to settle in the countryside of Lot.
We have two wonderful children who are very keen to "test" products whenever the opportunity arises!
Le Petit Florilège has grown a lot and we still work with the same passion!
Franck joined us two years ago to manage the reception of goods and shipping.
The future?
We will continue to offer you a selection that will delight you as much as we do, and to develop our "baby" in the same spirit, while remaining faithful to our values: offering you pretty things, well presented, while maintaining our "small business" approach which is the soul of Petit Florilège!